Uitleg seizoensevenement en kits
Ik dacht, een blog is een goede plek om precies uit te leggen wat mijn visie is voor het maken van de seizoenkits en het bijbehorende evenement. Ik vind het heerlijk om cadeautjes te krijgen! Te zien hoeveel zorg, aandacht en liefde erin is gegaan en hoeveel plezier ik eraan beleef. En hoe leuk is […]
Artspecially 2021
OOOOHHH wat heb ik een geweldige dag gehad! Ik was nog nooit op de artspecially geweest en toen Masterpiece design mij vroeg of ik een dag wilde helpen en een make en take geven, heb ik geen moment getwijfeld! Dus Zaterdagochtend om zeven uur in de auto om die kant op te gaan. Toen ik […]
My journey
I have been thinking some time to write this blog, or not. But I think a lot of people can relate and I would love to know how this applies to your crafty journey 🙂 I love to craft! I started with scrapbooking in 2018, I had my first 6×8 album and I was totally […]
Pocketpage with mixedmedia and tandiart
Hello crafty friends, I have made a pocketpage with the papers and embellishments from Tandiart. I have filmed my process so you could watch these pages come together. I really hope you like it, please let me know if you have any questions in the comments below Lots of love Suzanne
Mixed media artjournal page
Hello Crafty friends, I have made a journal page with the stickers from tandiart. I have made some process photo’s and will tell you how I made this. I start with adding some washi tape, paint tape and book paper to the page. Then add some gesso. when the watercolor is dry, I am adding […]
Mixed media artjournal page
In this blog i would like to share with you this artjournal page. I am joining a challenge on instagram, called the sixdaychallenge. For each day there is a prompt for you to corporate in a journal. I have combined to prompts, love letter and smooch. I have filmed my process and you can find […]
Acetate mixed media tag
Hello Creative friends, In this blog i will explain how i made this mixed media acetate tag i m ade for little birdy crafts. I started with clear acetate and added some different colors of alcohol in by ranger. When this was almost dry i added some gold foil from AB studio for some extra […]